An Adventure

I’ve always been confused as to what I want to do in life. I mean I wanted to be a rockstar, a scientist, travel a lot, and what not. But I never seem to be able to choose. Maybe I know now. Just maybe. I want my life to have meaning. You know, some special cause for which I’ll cross the world, fight dragons, go without eating for days, and then, when I finally achieve it, I’d feel good. I want my life to be full of adventure. Unicorns, orcs, swords, old legends which come true. All of it. Okay, that’s slightly unreal, but my point is, the life we all are expected to live. Work at some boring place, earn lots of money, spend it on alcohol and food, have kids, grow up and die. It’s so boring. There’s no meaning in it. I mean why on earth am I earning? So that I can live longer? For what? So that I can continue doing the same thing to live even longer. What’s the point of such a long life if I have no ups and downs. What’s the point of life if I don’t value it enough. And how am I going to value life if I’m assured to live forever? I want to gain knowledge, travel around the world, make music to which everyone will dance (headbanging is technically a form of dance. Wikipedia!), help save polar bears, risk my life. I want some honor in my life. I want to do everything just because I want to do it, not because I have to earn or because everyone does it. I want to look at the mountains and fill my heart with awe. I want to go off into the vast oceans and find myself where nothing exists. I want to get up on stage and play music which will run through the blood of millions of people. I want to do something more than earn, eat, have kids and die. I want my life to be an adventure.

I'm going on an adventure!